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Monday, May 4, 2009

Come On. Scratch That Itch.

Only recently, did I get it straight -- that itch is a noun and scratch is the verb.  Or is it the other way around?  Okay, that's not the point...

Lawyers - past, present, and future - I'm talking to you.  I know there are plenty of you (or at least a fine few) who are completely satisfied with your career and your lawyerly pursuits.  But I know some of you have a hankering to write, to tap into your creative side, to explore your own story.  Well, now is your chance.

On Sunday, May 17, fellow legal eagle, Manhattan mom, and Ivy League Insecurities fan Sarah Rosell and Adrienne Brodeur (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt editor and co-founder of the award-winning literary magazine Zoetrope) will host "What's Your Story?" a full-day fiction writing workshop for lawyers (10am-5pm; Shop Studios, 442 West 49th Street, NYC).  Acclaimed authors Martha McPhee and Melissa Bank will teach workshops on the art of descriptive writing and character-creation, respectively and there will be a lunchtime panel discussion with three lawyer/writers (Marci Alboher, Erica Perl, and Cameron Stracher) about how legal practice and writing can (or cannot) mesh.  Bios of these fabulous people and more details about the workshop, tuition, and registration can be found at:  www.whatsyourstoryworkshop.com.

So, whether you are in law school, practicing, or leading your life apres-law like yours truly, allow yourself a much deserved reprieve from your daily grind.  Allow yourself to focus on something positive and creative during these tough economic times.  

Come one, come all and scratch that itch.  Or itch that scratch.  Just come.  And feel free to bring a nifty feather pen like the one above, though that is certainly not required. I look forward to meeting some of you on the 17th!

UPDATE: Sadly, the workshop has been cancelled.  Check back for information about a potential upcoming workshop this fall -- ADR

1 comment:

  1. Looks interesting but the tuition is shockingly expensive imho. Those have to be some well-paid lawyers with oodles of time and an extra $600 to opt into that seminar. I might have sacrificed the family weekend time and indulged my curiosity for $150 or so. Maybe it is just me but I think if I walked out less than assured to be published, I'd feel ripped off. But then again, I am one of your happy lawyers and I barely have time to have my highlights touched up...
    Enjoy the seminar, hope I am in the minority as to time/price sensitivity and it is packed!


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